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Fix Sound in Windows/J2SE1.5

NOTE! Using OpenJDK1.6 solves all the issues related to sound. We recommend to update to version 1.6 of the Java Virtual Machine when using Fobs.

The following guide contains the necessary steps to fix no-sound issues when using J2SE 1.5 and windows. The problem with J2SE 1.5 is that the JavaSound core has gone through a wide recodification. The default JMF audio renderer, JavaSoundRenderer, is not aware of these changes so sound will not work.

The way to solve this is to install the windows performance pack, which includes a native audio renderer, DirectAudioRenderer. Though the all_java JMF version includes the Java part of this renderer, the native part is only available as part of the installation of the JMF windows performance pack.

Installing the performance pack

The performance pack for windows can be downloaded from the JMF official web. This package include a jmf.jar that does not differ from the one provided with Fobs. However, it installs some native libraries in the windows/system32 directory that are needed by some of the encoders. Without these libraries, the native encoders will not work, making it impossible to transmit media files.

The other file that differs (from the all_java JMF package) is the file. In this version of the file, all the native codecs are included to let JMF know about them.

Modifying the

Once the performance pack is installed, we need to modify the file in the Fobs package to let it know about the DirectAudioRenderer.

Open Fobs_JMStudio, and select File->Preferences. Go to the PlugIns tab, and then select the Renderer tab. In the text field that appears write:

and the press the Add button. Look for the DirectAudioRenderer in the list, select it and press Move Up button until it reaches the top of the list. Press the Commit button to make all these changes persistent.

It is possible that the DirectAudioRenderer class already exists in the Renderers list. In this case, just follow the instructions to make it appear at the top of the list. Do not forget to Commit changes.


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